Taking off

After a slow and staggered start, we have summer. On Monday 7th June, we got our first heat wave in New Hampshire where the temperature soared to a bonkers 91 degrees F (almost 33 degrees C). I know in some states this is not too high, but here in NH, it’s good and bonkers! And now we are heading back up there slowly. And NH is now once more officially in a drought.

Out waking with Moe last week, we saw a plethora of Lady Slippers. I thought I had missed them, but they were bursting out! A friend of mine had photographed some yellow Lady Slippers which I have never seen before, so I might have to drive to wherever to see those. These gorgeous flowers are on their way out and others are coming in.

Lady Slipper

It’s hard to accept it is now officially Summer! Where is the year going? May seemed like an incredibly busy week, and was gone!

Two weeks ago I had an in-person, outdoor appearance in Plainfield, NH and it was a joy to be back in front of people. It was a real community event, with people of ALL ages! Folks brought picnics, and pizza, fruit and cheese and spread out on the lawn beside the library. It was wonderfully social with everyone hanging around afterwards talking with each other, kids running between the flower beds and playing. Still being socially distanced, and few with masks. One of the folks there, a scientist, asked me about the art of storytelling for his work, and we had a great chat! It felt like the end of the story Stone Soup. This is the first of a growing number of in-person presentations open to the public, so check out the calendar below!

I have also been doing a number of photographs for my colleagues – headshots, portraits, and other types of shots. Even helped put together a poster for one. In another life-time when film was all there was, photography was a career I followed for a long time, something I went to college and studied. I still love doing this work, as you might know if you follow me on Instagram – simonmbrooks – as I post some of my photos there.

This coming Friday I will be chatting with the English storyteller Martin Shaw. He dives deep into myth and I cannot wait to talk with him on Friday with Friends. It will start at 1pm Eastern (USA & Canada) and 6 pm British Summer Time. He has quite a few books out about storytelling, one, The Night Wages, about a journey he and his daughter took. It is a brilliant story half myth, half surreal, and steeped in reality which I very much enjoyed. I have also read his Courting the Wild Twin and it’s companion Smoke Hole which came out this year. Friday with Friends is shown live here: https://www.facebook.com/simonbrooksstoryteller/ and here: https://www.youtube.com/user/DiamondScree/

Join us!

I am really excited to be performing with two incredible storytellers for Moonshine Stories - Heather Forest and Len Cabral. This event is hosted by the incredible Janice Del Negro and Megan Wells. You could call Heather the Joni Mitchell of folk and fairy tales, as she uses her musical skills to tell stories, some of them very deep and challenging. And Len Cabral, is what you might call a storyteller’s storyteller - everyone loves Len! There’s something so welcoming about him and his telling is so laid back and joyful. When is this? 24th June 2021 at 10 pm Eastern, 9 pm CDT, 8 pm MDT, 7 pm PDT, 6 pm AKDT (USA & Canada), 3 am British Summer Time, 4 am in Denmark, 5 am in Western Australia etc. etc.!

Strawberry Moon.png

Get tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/moonshine-stories-strawberry-moon-tickets-159272930623

And the last Tuesday of the month is coming up fast which means the monthly TBD Storyteller’s Concert is also coming up! This month the concert theme is Independence! and I am sharing a Brand New personal narrative tale, the second I have ever done! As you all know, I am also steeped in myth, and legends, folk and fairy tales, but I am stepping out of my comfort-zone again, pushing myself professionally. It is, I hope, going to be a wonderfilled and fun story, and it features my mum and brother!

If you register and donate, you will be sent a link to the recording of the show and be able to watch at your own leisure!

As always this will be a Zoom meeting, so you will need to register. The registration link for Independence! is: https://www.tinyurl.com/TBDIndependence