Time Flies when your having fun or learning new tricks!

Last year was a mad rush. It seems the rush is only now starting to slow a bit and I have real, live, in-person gigs coming up! I am now fully vaccinated, and waiting out my ten day period, but seem to be fine!

I have been playing with a lot with ‘sets’ for my on-line shows, and can say my set-up has matured!

The Grapevine is part of the offerings put forward by the Folk Society of Greater Washington. I have been asked to join the many people who have told there, and I am thrilled. I will be performing in the virtual space with Queen Nur, a wonderful storyteller who I am excited to be sharing the stage/screen with. We will each have a 35-minute slot to tell whatever we want, as this is for grown up people.

So when is this? May 12th. What time? It starts at 7.30 pm Eastern, so get the wee ones to bed early! Where is it? On Zoom - visit the Folk Society of Greater Washington website and register here: https://fsgw.org/grapevine

There will be an after party where we can all get together and have a chat! It’ll be like hanging out on the porch of a theatre after the show, but in the comfort of your own home! Yes, it’s a virtual (on-line only) event. No bugs, it’ll be as warm as you want, and you can have a cup of tea or hot choccie with in your hand!

Although this is an event that asks for donations, the more you donate, the more Queen Nur and I will receive!

Join us!

I am always working on new stories, and by that I mean when I am not performing, coaching other storytellers, marketing, sending out emails to keep you informed, recording and editing my podcast, contacting potential guests for said podcast, working for Story Story Podcast, and organizing and broadcasting Friday with Friends, and hanging out with my family! Other than that, I am reading, looking for new stories to tell, and working on them! The most recent story I have been working on is Tatterhood, a tale from Norway about twins! I absolutely love the story! I have also pulled out The Peddler of Swaffham and been playing with that. I do like that tale too! The third tale I have been working on (always threes in folk and fairy tales, right?) is an adult story called the ‘Lady in Green’. It was written by who might be considered China’s own Hans Christian Anderson - Pu Songling. Songling, however, is less didactic, there’s less ‘drama’ (and they all floated up to heaven) and a little more surreal. In a way as much a Walter de la Mare as HC Anderson. I love the story, with its gentle fantasy.

I also love helping other people be able to tell their stories, whether personal narrative or folk or fairy tale, myth or legend! If you need or want help, get in touch. I can coach you! And talking of coaching…

Sherry Norfolk, who is a highly respected storyteller and coach will be leading a three part workshop as part of SPARKS, the North East Storytelling Staycation. Sherry’s work is incredible. So is that of Bil Lepp! Yep, one L, two Ps. If you don’t know Bil he is another incredible fantasy storyteller, although his stories are about himself and his school friend Scooter! He is also a professional liar. Both Bil and I and Cyndi Freeman are teaching workshops at this four-day, on-line event. Bil is teaching folks to tell and present the type of wild and whacky stories he tells, Cyndi is teaching how and when and when not to tell stories that might be frisky and risky, and I am teaching how to present stories or presentations on-line with my Zooming and Moving workshop! Register now at https://nestorytelling.org/sparks.
This is also next week! So register NOW!

Spring is here with a vengeance! We have had a lot of much needed rain and the brooks and streams are FULL! Some streams have overflowed onto footpaths and changed course! It reminds me of childhood walks along the River Severn with my grandparents, wearing wellies and woolie socks. This inspired an original story which I will be recording and will be available on my Patreon site (https://www.patreon.com/simonbrooks) and will be heard on Story Story Podcast next week, along with a story by Antonio Sacre called ‘Battling Giants,’ and Sarah Brady is telling Oscar Wilde’s ‘Selfish Giant’. If you have never listened to SSP, please do so! Find Story Story Podcast here: https://storystorypodcast.com/

Stay warm and well, and be safe out there, and if you have a story to share, let me know. I would love to hear from you.

